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Woof woof! It’s not fair!! Haha just my little joke. It is VERY fair today- in fact, the Yr 6 school fair!! 
I came to school this afternoon to help the Yr 6. They had lots of stalls and were so professional selling all their fab goods! I didn’t have a stall but I had a “cuddle corner” where I gave away free cuddles. I was very busy!! Even Mr Baugh enjoyed a sneaky snuggle with me!! It was so nice to see so many children and they were all so gentle with me. I loved it and Mrs Drake said I was such a good boy!!! Woof woof!

Well done to Year Six children and staff for putting on such a great event. I hope you raised a lot of money - if you did maybe you could buy me some treats!!!

Have a great weekend

Love Albert xxx



Woof woof! How is everyone? I hope you've all had a good week! Today in school I found out that all my friends have been taking part in Sport's Day- we definitely have some budding athletes at school by the sounds of it! I was very proud of everyone, however, I am especially proud of every single person who tried! Trying your best at something is the most important thing you can ever do. Just to prove my point, I had a try at my own Sport's Day -my friends really helped me and I got to the finish line in the end!!  WOOF!!

I also had a walk today and plenty of cuddles and I visited the Infant yard where they showed me their good sharing my taking it in turns to hold my lead :-)

Have a lovely weekend everyone ! Stay safe!

Love Albert xx



Hello! Woof woof! I hope you all had a fantastic half term ! 

Today was a super special day at school because the small hoomans were taking part in a mini-olympics! I was worried that it might rain for a while- I don't like getting my fur all wet and soggy!- but thankfully it stayed dry.

There was so much going on it made me dizzy and I'm sure I'll need an extra long nap later when I get back home. The small hoomans were so well behaved moving around the different sports stations in their groups, it was so wonderful to see the older children taking care of the children from Tegid Bach and Tegid Mawr! I even had a go at some of the stations myself! I was really good at weaving between the cones and going through the other obstacles but I wasn't blindfolded like my friends- phew!

I was an extremely lucky pooch today too because the school cook brought me some ham for being a good boy!! It was just a little bit so please don't worry that I've eaten up all the school dinners!

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe everybody

Love, Albert x


Woof woof! Hello everyone! Wow what a special day it’s been today. Did you know that Ysgol Deiniol is 150 years old this week? How pawesome is that! In dog years that’s 1,050 years old!! The children told me about a special exhibition they all put together on Wednesday full of very old school artefacts- and I’m not just talking about Mrs Morgan!  Lots of friends of the school came to have a look at old photographs and other really interesting things showing the history of our fabulous school. Woof done, everybody!

Today was also special because Dosbarth Celyn had a surprise for me! Yesterday a lovely composer came to school and did a workshop with them and some other classes about songwriting. Guess what? They chose to create a song all about me!!! So today they sang it for me, I was bowled over, it was completely incredible! We definitely have some budding Taylor Swift’s and Ed Sheeran’s at school I think! Hopefully next week they are going to sing it in assembly for all of my other little hooman friends. 
On the yard today, I met ANOTHER friend! Jenson from last week was nowhere to be seen, but I met a Tibetan Terrier called Baxter! We had both had a haircut this week so we paid each other some compliments before Baxter went on his way. Baxter is the same name as Mr Baugh’s dog too -how funny!
I have looked at the woofer forecast and it looks like the weekend will be ok and especially sunny on Sunday. So I hope you all have a lovely time! See you next week.

Love, Albert x


Woof woof! Hello hoomans! Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine! Today I decided it would be nice to have a “cuddle club”, so the children visited me basically just to give cuddles and chat! It was ace. The older children took me for a walk on the school field, we got our paws a bit damp but it was lovely to be out in the fresh air. They even showed me their willow den. I think they are lucky to have such a wonderful outdoor area. 
I also had a special treat today because I got to watch a video of one of our little superstars, Elliot, signing for Manchester United Under 9’s! Wow how pawesome! Pooches don’t play football, we prefer to chew them, but even I can see what a massive achievement this has been! Well done Elliot! ( I gave him extra licks today so he would know how proud I was of him).

I also had a gift from another little boy named Elliot- a lovely colouring! It has gone on my display board in the canteen. It’s been a great day for Elliots!! 
I met a new pooch friend on the yard today, Jenson! He is a lovely black Labrador and he lives nearby. Hopefully I will see him again as he was very friendly and gentle.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, remember to wear your suncream and keep your pooches inside if it gets too warm. See you next week, 

Love Albert x

P.S My hooman wants me to tell you that I have now passed my official Therapy Dog UK award! I am a bit shy and I don’t like to brag but I did so well in the exam and everyone is very proud of me, especially my brothers and sisters Wilbur, Oscar and Penelope. Now I have my special award I can hopefully visit some hospital wards from time to time and maybe some other places to spread the Albert love!! Hurray!! 


Woof woof! What a day!! Today, some of the big children listened to the younger children reading. It was lovely to see them encouraging and supporting their friends! We all know at Ysgol Deiniol how imPAWtent reading is!
Something sad happened today, which was that my hooman accidentally stood on my paw in assembly! Don’t worry, I am fine. But I woofed a bit and had a limp for a little while which made everybody feel very sorry for me :-( Mr Baugh said he could arrange for me to ring Dogline if I thought it was a safeguarding issue, but I am certain it was just an accident as my hooman said sorry lots and gave me lots of treats and cuddles afterwards! Paw me!!! 
I met a train enthusiast friend today who showed me some of his train collection which was so interesting! I liked the long green train best. I also got a walk today (which helped shake out my bad paw) and had a munch on some grass. When we got back from the walk, one of my little friends wrapped me up like a burrito!! I didn’t mind because it was comfy and warm. 
I hope you all have a wonderful bank holiday weekend! I am going to do lots of snoozing and eating treats, I suggest you do the same.

Stat safe!

Love, Albert x


Woof woof!  Well today was a bit of an odd day at school. Mrs Davis forgot that the Nurture Room is my room!! There was a meeting in there and so I had to temporarily leave home :-( Luckily I was able to use the staff room instead to meet my small hoomans! This was exciting because I thought there might be some biscuits or yummy treats around, but I think Mrs Morgan had eaten them all!!!! Oh dear.

However I still had a really lovely time with my friends. I met a boy hooman who I’d never met before and saw some old friends too. Today we mainly just had chats and cuddles, which was lovely. Sometimes it’s nice for the small hoomans to stroke me and just talk to me, I think it helps them feel relaxed. Maybe I should let the staff have a go too!

l did manage to hear some super reading from some Year Six children and then I got to join Early Years on the field looking at nature!! It was a lot of fun and they were excellent at being gentle with me. It was great to see the sunshine come out, although sadly I didn’t see my girlfriend from last week :-( 

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Love Albert x


Woof woof! Hello hoomans!! I was so excited to come back to school this week after being poorly last week! My tummy is all better. The Doggy Doctor gave me some horrible tasting tablets and my Mum-hooman wrapped them in ham to try and hide them but I knew what she was up to!! Anyway I'm so glad to be back!!

I had to come in today instead of tomorrow as unfortunately I am busy tomorrow! This confused some of the small hoomans at first- they got a bit excited thinking it was Friday!! Sorry small fur-less ones, another day of school for you!

I had so may pats and cuddles today I thought all my fur was going to fall off. I played on the yard and met ANOTHER lady doggy walking past the school fence! She had a pink coat and her name was Ruby. I think she might be my new girlfriend. I gave her a good sniff anyway!

I heard lots of super readers and I also went to the KS1 classrooms, where I found a wonderful Gruffalo themed book nook in Miss Prescott's class. Sometimes the Grufflalo scares me because I think his favourite food might be Albert soup, but then I remember it is just a story. Phew! Some of the Yr 2 children took me for a walk too, so I could have a little stretch of my legs. I was very tired today and fell asleep reading my book- oh dear!!

Have a lovely week, see you soon

Love Albert x


Woof woof! Happy World Book Day! As you know I am a big fan of books and reading, so today was super exciting for me! I saw some utterly amazing costumes, but I was a bit sad that Miss Leech and also two small hoomans dressed up as The Cat in the Hat!! They looked fab but grrrrrrrr.... Cats!!!! Cats should be banned from EVERYTHING. I didn't spot any pooches but I did spot Cruella DeVille !! Yikes!! My fur is extra floofy at the moment and I think I'm very lucky she didn't turn me into a coat!

I managed to get some photos but not as many as I would like- it was just such a busy day! Myself and my hooman Mrs Drake came as The Tiger Who Came to Tea. I was the Tiger of course ...rrrrrraaaaarghhhhhh!!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to do some reading!

Love, Albert x

23rd February 2024


Hello! Wow what a day! Today was my birthday celebration at school and I had a wonderful time! 

Some of my small hooman friends (Ellie, Nevaeh and Faith) decided before half term that they should host a party for me and also hold a birthday card design competition. I thought I might get a few cards, but I had my paws blown off by the amount of entries and how fantastic they all were! Ellie, Nevaeh and Faith judged the competition and I think they chose the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places brilliantly. Huge congratulations to Rocco (1st), Archie (2nd) and Lucie (3rd). Their cards had wonderful detail and colours and Rocco's even had Welsh writing inside! Miss Morris will be so pleased. You can see their designs in the pictures below.

Even though there were three winners, everyone who took part in the competition was invited to my pawty as everyone's card was beautiful and it was so hard to choose the winners. Some small hoomans even bought me a present! Thank you so much!  We had cake, juice and biscuits and everyone sang me happy birthday!! I even had a special doggy muffin, called a wuffin. I felt so special. 

I'm all tired out now from my exciting day, I expect I will have an extra long nap. Have a great weekend all!

Love, Albert xx



Woof woof! Hello everyone! Today was a special day at Ysgol Deiniol because it was another well-being day and I was very honoured to be one of the well being stations! This meant that my small hooman friends could come and spend some time in Albert's Relaxation Station, just chilling with me :-) It was really lovely and of course I got very sleepy with all my strokes and the calming music playing.

I have just remembered that it's now half term. I'm going to miss my hooman friend's so much! However, I know the week will fly by and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures when we return to school.

During the holidays, it will be my birthday! I will be 2 years old. Some of my friends from Dosbarth Berwyn have decided to throw me a party on my first Friday back. Also, they will be judging a birthday card competition, so if you'd like to make me a birthday card during the holidays please do! Closing date for entries will be Thursday February 22nd.

Stay safe and have a great time everyone!

Lots of love from Albert x



Woof woof! Hello everyone! You'll never guess what happened today- I saw my girlfriend Sunny again! Her Mummy walks her past school at the same time as I am on the yard, which is brilliant and we get to have a little sniff hello! My hooman says I come to school to work, not to arrange dates, but I think its just a lovely bonus!

Speaking of bonuses, I haven't had one for a while. In fact, my employer Mr Baugh admitted today that he had once again forgotten to pay me and left my agreed doggy biscuit wage at home. If this carries on I will have to mobilise the pooch workforce union, I know my rights and my good friend Pawthur Skargill will not be happy. Just saying!

In happier news, my small hooman friends were on fine form today and I had some lovely cuddles and walks and heard some beautiful reading. I am such a lucky doggy. I didn't have to wear any pink earmuffs this week but a little hooman boy did lend my his Batman beanie for a while as my ears were quite cold again outside, which was very kind of him.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, stay safe and remember to give your furry friends extra weekend hugs and strokes.

Love, Albert xx




Happy Woof Year!!

It was so great to be back at school today after the holidays! I loved seeing my small hooman friends and hearing all about what they had for Christmas. It sounds like everyone has had a wonderful time.

I don't know if you've noticed but it's been a bit chilly lately! Today the yard was covered in pretty white sparkly stuff that the hoomans tell me is called frost. I like skidding about on it. Last night I had a bath and a hair wash ready for school so I was extra floofy. This did not do my street cred much good as I looked like a poodle - or in other words like Mrs Davis when she doesn't straighten her hair! Another thing that didn't do my street cred much good was when a hooman in Year 6 put her bright pink ear muffs on me!! Between you and me though, they were quite comfy and they kept my ears nice and warm!!

I met two other pooches walking past the school today. One was a little bit frightened of me so I couldn't really say hello. But the other pupster, a girl called Sunny, stopped for a lovely woof with me!! We snuffled each other and rubbed noses, which was delightful. Sadly the school fence separated us, but it was sort of romantic, we were a bit like Bonio & Juliet!!

The small hoomans read their books to me and as usual blew me away with how fab they were. One of them even brought me two bags of treats! How kind and generous. I love all my friends at Ysgol Deiniol and I know you love me too.

Have a great weekend, enjoy today's photographs!

Love from Albert x



Woof woof! Hello! Today was Christmas Jumper Day at school, so of course I had to wear mine! I loved seeing everybody's festive knitwear.

I wasn't able to stay as long as usual this morning because unfortunately I still haven't finished my Christmas shopping. Christmas is just such a busy time for both hoomans and pooches! But I wouldn't have missed coming into school on Christmas jumper day for the world. I even got to help one of my little small hooman friends with his lines for the Christmas Concert! I sat in on a part of rehearsal and the Year 4, 5 and 6 parents are in for a treat! 

One of the children told me a joke today. It made me woof my head off. I thought you'd like to hear it:

Q. What do you call a dog sitting on the beach on Christmas Eve?

a. Sandy Paws!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. If you haven't put up your tree decorations maybe it would be a good time to do them!

Lots of love

Albert xxxxx




Woof woof! Good morning! I had a fab time on school photo day today! Everyone looked so smart at first I thought the King was coming but then the small hoomans explained to me about photo day! Of course I decided I would like my photo taken, I think it's only fair since I am a member of the school too! I made myself look smart and posed nicely. I like to adopt a serious stance for more professional photos which is why I am not doing a big grin, but I think you'll agree my expression is appropriate for the occasion. Mrs Jones in the office said I could go on the staff board in the Reception area!! Hurrah!! Keep your eye out for my picture there when you pop in but you can see a sneaky peek below :-)

As usual the children did some pawesome reading to me and I even got to hear some of the Reception and Year 1 children singing some of their school concert songs for me!! Yep, you guessed made me fall asleep. It was beautiful singing and I bet everyone is super excited to see the school concerts this year!

I hope you all have a nice weekend- why don't you ask your parents and carers to put their Christmas decorations up? I'm going to ask my big hooman if we can!

Lots of love

Albert x

Singing to Albert

Still image for this video



Woof woof! Hello everyone! I missed you all last week!

I had a fabulous "Pudsey Day" at school today! Pudsey seems like a friendly sort of bear, I didn't know anything about him until the children told me all about Children In Need! It sounds like a great charity to help all the small furless hoomans in the UK, thank you to all the parents and carers for giving generously and to the children for dressing up so fantastically! 

I had my usual lovely stories today and also some chatting about friendships, being a good friend and who we can turn to if we ever feel lonely at school. It's great to hear about the Ysgol Deiniol Happiness Heroes and the My Happy Mind scheme. Every doggy knows looking after your mental elf is equally as important as looking after your physical elf!!

Today I was mostly a very good boy but I did have a nibble on one of Mrs Gordon's wooden building blocks- oops!!! I'm sorry. Sticks are my kryptonite. 

Have a wonderful week

Love, Albert x

Have a great weekend and stay safe now the evenings are so dark! 


Helllloooooo! Happy (almost) Howlween! I had a fabulously spooky day at school and got to wear my new pumpkin jumper, I hope you like it! I took some Howlween lights to school with me and created a cosy little scary den for all my hooman friends! It was really exciting.

We had some lovely chats and I heard some wonderful readers. I heard all about the school disco yesterday, it sounded like so much fun and I'm so sad I couldn't join you all there. A big thank you to Friends of Deiniol for continuing to work hard to make all my small furless friends happy.

Oh guess what? On the yard today I met a talking frog!! It was very strange but also funny. Apparently, he is a famous frog!?!  However I think I am probably more famous than him. At least in Ysgol Deiniol anyway!

I can hardly believe it's half term. I will miss all my friends at Ysgol Deiniol but look forward to hearing all about your adventures after the break. Please, whatever you do, stay safe, stay happy and stay pawesome!!

Love Albert x



Woof woof! Oh boy am I a soggy doggy today!! I've never seen so much rain!! Luckily, my hooman brought my hairdryer to school, so lots of my little friends had a go at giving me a blow dry!! I love the hairdryer and happily sit in front of it when my fluff needs to be dried, unlike my big brother Wilbur who runs away from it!! 

The boys and girls I saw today really looked after me. Not only did they blow dry me but they used my special towel too and gave me a nice soft brush afterwards. It was so relaxing on such a horrible dark and rainy day!

In the Nurture room we had the special calming lights on since it was so dark and I have to say I loved it. No wonder the teachers are always in there having a sneaky snooze on the comfy cushions!!

When it was time to go home I was a bit worried because there was so much rain that the road between school and my house had been shut. I thought I might have to sleep in school! Yikes! However, I'm pleased to say I got home ok and was reunited with Wilbur and Oscar for cosy cuddles.

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone!

Love Albert x



Woof woof! Hello hoomans!! What a funny old week it has been, raining one minute and very warm the next, my fluff does not respond to humidity very well, I've been trotting around looking like an Old English Sheepdog!! You'll be pleased to know I'm visiting Woof Washes next week so I'll be looking back to my handsome old self!

Speaking of handsome, do you like my rainbow top? I wore it today in the hope to impress my new girlfriend, Luna, who you might remember I met last week at school. Our eyes met through a wire fence and it was woof at first sight. Sadly, Luna did not come by today- I guess the course of true love never did run smooth! My top was not wasted though because my small hooman friends thought I looked super swanky! Hurray! 

As usual I heard some wonderful readers this week. Some children told me about "Drop Everything And Read" which the whole school does every Thursday morning and sometimes at other times too. They said it was lovely to have quiet reading time and everyone in class finds it really relaxing. I think getting sucked into a good story can sometimes make you feel almost as good as a nap!! Luckily I get to do both at Ysgol Deiniol! If you could only choose one book to take to a desert island, what would you choose? 

I met something called Twins today. Apparently sometimes hoomans have more than one baby at the same time and I even met something called Triplets too, which is almost like a puppy litter!! I was quite fascinated by this and thought you might like to see me with my brothers and sisters when I was a newborn pup before I came to live with Mrs Drake! Can you guess which one is me? I love them all very much but don't miss them as now I have my new brothers Wilbur and Oscar :-)

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Albert xxx

PS SAD NEWS! I'm afraid I won't be in school next Friday! I will catch up with you all the week after! 

29. 09. 23

Woof woof! Hello everyone! I had a lovely day at school today. I saw the most beautiful artwork on the side of our container on the Infant yard. My friends explained to me that it was done by a lovely chap called Andy, who is a Graffiti Artist! The Year Six children were even allowed to help spray it after he taught them a little bit about the history of graffiti and showed them his folders of work. How exciting!!

At school today I also met a lady friend! I think I might be in love. She was a shiny black Cocker Spaniel named Luna. I only saw her trotting past the fence but I could tell how friendly she was. Maybe I'll see her again someday! My friends were all really good and remembered that we never stick our fingers through the fence to touch dogs we don't know and Luna and I had a very respectful sniff of each other. Luna, if you're reading this, call me!

I thought I would give my little small hooman friends the opportunity to add some of their own thoughts to the Dog Blog today! The Year 5/6 children created some super 2A sentences about me and some of the younger children contributed their thoughts to a spider diagram. It was fun to do some work and I absolutely loved having a snifter of the marker pen! It smelled funny but nice.  As I'm not used to working I also stood on the paper more than once but the children helped remind me to keep my fluffy paws off it! The children wrapped me up in my blanket after I had finished all my busy work and I felt like a King!! 

I hope you all have a nice weekend, it's so lovely to see the sun shining after storm Agnes passed us by!

Lots of love, your friend Albert xx



Woof woof! Hello hoomans! This morning there was a buzz of excitement in the air as the new School Council were being announced! I haven't had time to meet our new councillors yet but I'd like to say congratulations to all of those children who were chosen. It's an important job and a big responsibility to represent the thoughts of your classmates. If I hear about any more cats in my cosy corner I will be requesting a meeting with you to discuss it! 

Once the council excitement had died down I was so pleased to hear some more class readers. Sometime's it's hard to focus on the stories, because I can smell my treats in my drawer near my cosy corner. However, the children were so good at reading that I soon settled down. I heard stories about all sorts of thing from fossils to fashion! My hooman Mrs Drake let some children give me some of the treats as a reward for good listening, so I was very happy.

I got to go for an exciting walk around the yard and had a go at Snakes and Ladders! I wasn't very good because I don't really know my numbers yet. I'm hoping some children will be able to teach me! Today, I started to work on giving a "paw" before a treat. I'm getting there! Everyday's a school day!!

Reception were kind enough to allow me to join them on a nature walk this morning. We were exploring different kinds of leaves. Until today I didn't realise leaves had different shapes and names which can help you identify which tree they have come from! Wow! Normally I just eat leaves or have a tinkle on them, but at least now I'll know what they're called!

During my visit to Nursery today I was a bit cheeky I'm afraid. I spotted the sand tray and it reminded me of my Summer holiday in Aberdaron. I was so excited I jumped in!! Miss Prescott was very surprised! I tried to explain that I am a very agile pooch, but I think it just came out sounding like woofing. I wanted to build a sand castle but my hooman said I had to jump out! Oh dear.

Finally today I fell asleep as usual. I just get so many pats and strokes and there are so many exciting things to do, it totally wipes me out! Luckily three kind boys from Mr Perry's class read beautifully to me and stroked my tummy which was the perfect way to have a sneaky snooze!

I hope you all have a happy and safe weekend

Love from Albert xxx

15th September 2023


Woof woof! Woweeee what a great first day back I had at school this week! Everyone was so happy to see me and I got loads of snuggles, strokes, pats and even some kisses!! It was so good to see all my hooman friends again. I even got to meet some Nursery children, which was wonderful because they are new to the school and I could help them feel welcome! I had a ride on one of their little trucks, ate some grass in the Nursery garden, did lots of sniffs and had loads of hugs. It was brilliant.

With the older children I heard some of their pawesome reading. I know that School are encouraging lots of reading this year and boy does it already show! I was so surprised at how good everyone's reading is getting that I had to have a little nap to recover.

Some of the Year 4-6 children took me outside for a walk. They took it in turns to hold my lead. I pulled them in lots of directions but I especially liked snuffling the conkers on the yard under the trees. Then, we went on the field but that was a bit silly because I got my clean fluffy paws all muddy! Unfortunately my small hooman friends got their paws muddy too (I believe you call them shoes) so I apologise to parents and care-givers for this! I blame my big hooman Mrs Drake.....she doesn't always think things through!

Now for some sad news- I heard it on the dog vine that earlier this week there was a CAT in my room! How rude! Don't people realise Cats and Dogs are arch enemies? However, my hooman showed me a photo of the cat, named Coconut, and actually she was very pretty and apparently well behaved. She had followed her big brother to school! So I'll delete my strongly woofed email which I was going to send to Mr Baugh about this. I would like it noted though, that sharing my cosy corner with Cats is certainly not in my contract.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! I know I will. I'm going to watch some Rugby and do lots of running around my garden. have fun!

Love Albert xxx


Woof woof!! Hello my little friends! How are you all doing? I miss you lots and hope you're having a great Summer holiday.

I thought you might be missing me too, so I wanted to share my holiday pics with you! Can you believe that me and my brothers (Wilbur and Oscar) took the hoomans on holiday?!? We went to a place called Aberdaron on the Llyn Peninsula. It's about two and half hours away but we were so good in the car even though we had hardly any space with all the bags!! You can see it on a map of Wales if you look it up. It is on the coast which means near the sea and there are lots of beaches! As you can imagine this is a lot of fun for doggy's.

One day we visited a place called Abersoch and there were LOADS of other pooches to play with in the sand. There was even a lady doggy just like me! Her name was Mabel and we snuffled each other a bit which was lovely. I noticed that a lot of the local pups woofed in a different language. Mum explained that it was Welsh which is till the first language in lots of areas of Wales. Then, she told me something super exciting! She said that you learn Welsh at school and that you could all teach me some! Miss Morris is going to be so pleased with me. I wonder what "sit", "stay" and "fetch" are in Welsh? Do you think you could find out before you see me again?

The hoomans were very happy that something called "The Weather" was so good while we were away. They talk about "The Weather" a lot. All I know is we only had one day where that wet stuff fell on us from above... the stuff that gives me crinkly ears. The rest of the time that yellow ball was shining and peeking out from the fluffy white cotton wool balls in the sky. Hurrah! We went in and out of the sea, sniffed at some crabs and even did some rock pooling.  This made us a  bit mucky so we had to have shower in our holiday home afterwards (see photo!) . Mum said it would be nice but you can probably tell from our faces we were a bit grumpy about it.

As you can see from the photos , all my rampaging around the beach and lovely fields made me very tired! So I did lots of my favourite pastime- napping!!! Sometimes Oscar got so tired he had to ride on our big sisters knee in her wheelchair, but that is because Oscar is an old gentleman and Wilbur and I are still very energetic youngsters!!

I hope you enjoy looking at some of my photos. I was so exhausted that on the way home from our holiday I fell asleep with my head resting on my mums armrest!! I looked very cute. Maybe you could bring some of your holiday snaps to show me in September, or make me a drawing of what you have been up to for my special school dog display in the canteen.

Sending lots of woof and hugs to you all!!

Love Albert xx



Woof woof! Schooooool's out for Summer!! Wow I can't believe it's the end of term already! I will miss my little hooman friends so much over the Summer holidays!

I had a fabulous last day of school today. I got to take part in a water fight, parachute play, a game of football and got loads of walkies! I also had some end of term presents from some children and some lovely messages in cards! Thank you so much, I am a humble pooch and did not expect anything!!  I had plenty of furry hugs with the Yr 6 children and we had our photograph taken together so we will never forget each other! I wish them all the best of luck in their new schools.

I also managed to say goodbye to all the other children in the other classes throughout school. I just can't wait for September so I can come back and see everyone again. As you can see in the photos, I was super tired by the end of all of my adventures and had to jump onto Mrs Davis' green chair for a quick rest.

Until then, take care and have a PAWESOME Summer!!

Love Albert xxx


Woof woof! Hello everyone! I have had another wonderful time at Ysgol Deiniol this morning even though it was so wet and rainy I didn't have chance to play outside! I didn't want my tail and ears to get too soggy.

Today lots of amazing children did some reading to me and as usual it made me very sleepy as it was so relaxing! I also met a hooman puppy who curled up in my doggy bed when I wasn't looking!! I forgot my doggy manners for a little while and sat on something I shouldn't underneath a table in the Nurture room, but I soon moved when my little friends explained it was not a seat for me (see photo!)

In Yr 1/2 I had a "stay and play" session and the children were doing an experiment about buoyancy. My hooman friends explained to me that this meant looking at whether things float or sink. We tested different fruits. It was so interesting! However, I was a little bit more interested in eating the banana and drinking from the experiment! Oops !!

I will be in to say goodbye for the Summer to all the children next Thursday afternoon. I will make sure I see everyone, however most of my time will be spent in Mrs Arrowsmith's class with the Year 6 children, I think it's only fair as it will be their last day at Ysgol Deiniol. I will be really sad to see them go but I know they have many pawsome adventures ahead!

Have a lovely weekend everyone

Love from Albert xx



Woof woof! Oh wow today was a super special day because I went to my first ever Summer Fair. I was a bit worried there would be rollercoasters and waltzers I was expected to go on, but my hooman explained it wasn't that kind of fair!! It turns out I just had to give out my 'Pawtographs' and have my photograph (or "Pawtrait"!!) with a lot of my little furless friends. It was so much fun and I can't believe how many people wanted to see me. I felt a little bit like a celebrity!

So many small hoomans wanted to see me that I had to take a small break halfway through and go for a nap inside school! As you know it's important to keep doggy's safe in the warm weather. The kind members of the PTA had put up a gazebo for me under the trees so I kept nice and cool, but I still got tired pretty quickly! By the end of the Fair I was snoozing soundly as you can see from my pictures.

On my stall I was busier than a squirrel in a nut factory! Everybody was so respectful and kind towards me that having so many photographs didn't bother me at all. My pawtographs went so quickly that we sold out before I could give all my small hooman friends one. So, if you didn't get one don't worry, I'm going to be super busy again this weekend making some more and my big hooman Mrs Drake will bring them in on Monday for you.

Hope you like the photos, we didn't get much chance to take many and I didn't even have time to trot around all the other super stalls! Thanks everyone for coming and for visiting my stall, I had a lovely time.

Love Albert xxx



Woof woof!! I had a great time at school this morning even though it was raining and my ears got a little bit soggy!!

First I had some time in Mrs Arrowsmith's class with some Yr 5 boys as their yr 6 friends have gone to have a practise in big school. They were so kind to me and even gave me a really good tummy rub, which you can see on the photo's below.

After that, I met with different groups of children to hear their news today, which was brilliant because I learned about all the exciting things my little hooman friends have got coming up! I was a bit cheeky and tried to steal some of my dog treats- oops!  I also did the daily mile with some Infant children which wore us all out! When I was with the Year 5 children, I quizzed them on famous authors, as one of our focuses for next term will be reading. I have to say they really impressed me and mentioned such authors as diverse as Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Jackie Wilson. Michael Rosen, David Walliams and Roald Dahl! The winner named 10 authors all by himself- wow! If I could recommend a book to you it would be 101 Dalmations by Dodie Smith. It's my favourite, you probably know the film but as is quite often the case, the book came first!

I had a great time on the yard with Nursery and Reception and had a circle time with Nursery to remind them that we must only stroke/approach dogs that we know!! Not all pooches are friendly little chaps like myself. Dogs can be scared when meeting new hoomans, and sadly this may cause them to hurt you accidentally. So remember my little friends, don't be tempted to pet dogs that you don't know and who don't know you.

Finally before I went home I had a Junior yard playtime and was taught by some boys and girls about something called "Pokemon". I didn't really understand it, but I enjoyed looking at the cool cards everybody showed me and giving them a good snifter. 

I look forward to seeing you all next Furry Friday- I won't be in during the morning because I will be coming to the school Summer Fair 3-6pm instead. Look out for my stall "Albert's Pawtographs!!" I wonder if you can guess what I will be selling?

Lots of love, Albert xx



Woof woof! 


I am unable to come to school this week- I'm very sorry! I will be back next week for lots of cuddles though, so don't feel too sad! Also-breaking Albert news-I will have a stall at our Summer Fair on Friday July 7th from 3-6pm so please make sure you come and say hi to me!! Maybe you could bring your grown up hoomans to meet me?

I know you all like to read about my adventures , so I thought this week I could tell you about "Dogfest" which I went to last Saturday at Tatton Park! My big brother Wilbur came with me and we took our hooman Mrs Drake too, just in case we needed to buy anything, and our friend the Westipoo Betty came too! We were lucky pooches and each got a new collar, we took one home for our other brother Oscar, who was a bit too old to enjoy it so he stayed at home. 

Dogfest is a lot of fun and there are loads of Doggy treats to be had! They have loads of stalls selling exciting things and also fun things for pooches to do like doggy swimming pools and ball pits! Wilbur and I did a bit of shopping and sniffed out some marvellous treats to take home. The best thing about Dogfest though is... all the dogs!!!!!!! So many dogs everywhere!! All different kinds of breeds, shapes, sizes and colours. What is your favourite breed of dog? You can tell me when you see me next week.

I hope you enjoy looking at the photo's of me and Wilbur and our friend Betty at Dogfest- I wasn't very happy when my hooman found me a hat to wear but as you will see I did look quite cute in it- especially as there were too little holes in it for my furry ears to flop through!!!!

I will see you all next week

Love, Albert xx



Woof woof!! 

Wow what a day! It's a little bit strange today because I normally come to school on Furry Friday, so we will have to call today Woofy Wednesday !! 

The reason I popped in today was because it was school photo day. I was so excited to see all my small hooman friends looking so smart! Also, I needed to have my own school photo taken. Hopefully you might see my little handsome face featuring in the school foyer very soon! 

I didn't get around all of the classes as it was such a busy morning, but I was soooo pleased to see a little girl in the Early Years who attends a different setting on a Friday, meaning she has never met me! I love meeting new small hoomans. She loved me but was a little bit worried about being licked, so I was a very good boy and kept my tongue to myself.

When I went to visit Dosbarth Berwyn I was a bit naughty!! I trod on the Maths book of one of my little friends!! Oops sorry! This is the second time I have trodden on a book at school so I will have to be careful or I will be summoned to Mr Baugh's office!!! I think the heat must be getting to me as I am normally a good boy.  However I soon remembered polite behaviour as the Yr 4/5 children kindly put a fan on me which made me feel a lot better.

Speaking of the heat, my hooman Mrs Drake doesn't think I will be able to come to school this Friday morning sorry! It's very sad and I will miss everybody, but the temperature is forecast at 26 degrees and that is a little too warm when you are going about wearing a big floofy coat and being stroked a lot by lots of little hands!! I am having my fur cut at my groomers, Woof Washes, at the weekend and this will help so I will see you all next week for sure! 

I have included a link below about keeping dogs safe in the heat as I thought some of my friends might like to read it. Stay cool pawesome dudes!!

Love, Albert xxx


Woof woof!!

I can't come to school tomorrow on Furry Friday, so Mrs Drake brought me in this afternoon instead, because otherwise I would have missed all my strokes and tummy rubs too much! 

Wow I had a new experience today- I got to bound around on the school field!! It was so much fun and I even had a little try on the adventure playground. It was a bit tricky because my legs are quite short but I did manage to jump over a balance beam with my small hooman friends showing me what to do. I was very proud of myself!! Some of the  small hoomans walked me on my lead and we also had a lovely circle time sitting under the wonderful new sail shade. 

Once all the excitement was over it was time for me to get down to work. I heard some girls and boys doing some marvellous reading. This is always one of my favourite things about coming to school and I was so relaxed I had a nap again!!  My tummy was quite full as I also got lots of treats, which always makes me sleepy too! Unfortunately at one point I forgot the rules about treating books with respect and as you will see from one of the photos below I made myself comfortable by standing on one! Oops, sorry! 

I love coming to Ysgol Deiniol so much as everyone is so welcoming and so gentle with me.

I will see you all next week!

Love Albert xx




Woof, woof!! I had another fantastic time at Ysgol Deiniol this morning!

First I went to see my friends in the Nursery to have a little chat with them about dog safety. They were super clever and remembered everything I told them! They are very gentle with me and I just love spending time with them.  Later on some of my friends took me for a walk on the school field- it was so much fun!! They found a ball for me but sadly I am not very good at fetching yet. My hooman thinks it might be something that the children can help me with in the future! We also went and sat together under the willow den and talked about our own pets at home or whether we would like a pet or not. It was lovely and whilst I was listening to the children speaking I had a good snuffle around, because that is how us pooches find out all about our surroundings and feel more comfortable. One of my little friends in Year 1/2 also brought me a toy he had bought especially for me! How kind!! It was a squeaky cow and I absolutely loved it. Thank you, friend.

As usual at playtime I had a nice trot about on the yard and the children took it in turns to hold my lead. They are so good at sharing me and not overcrowding me and they even help one another hold tight to my lead if I get a bit over excited and a bit 'pully' ! I like the Summer time as lots of hooman children wear shorts and it means I can enjoy one of my favourite hobbies which is licking people's legs.

After playtime I was absolutely shattered and immediately fell asleep again in my donut bed in the Nurture Room. I wasn't properly asleep though because two of the junior boys came to spend some time with me and they discovered I had a tickle spot on my belly! When they rubbed it my hind leg went in and out like a rabbit!!!!

I had a lovely time today and I wish everyone a happy and healthy Half Term!

Love, Albert x




Woof woof! Hello everyone. I had a super special morning at school today because I was asked to be one of four Dragon's in our "Game Changers" assembly version of Dragon's Den!! It was so exciting!! 

I bet you didn't know that I was a business entre-pup-ner did you?! Not long ago I started my own company, The Sherlock Bones Doggy Detective Agency. My team find missing dogs and reunite them with their owners! The agency enjoyed a turnover of 200,000 doggy biscuits last year and we hope to increase this by one third by 2025. It has made me very wealthy, but I have no airs and graces, I'm still just plain old Albie from the block!

I couldn't believe how well all the children did today with their presentations. It was really difficult deciding who to invest in. I am so pleased that Dosbarth Tegid Bach agreed to accept my offer for their amazing game. 

Game changers showed me how much fun the children have had with their maths this past few weeks and after assembly I went to every class and had a good sniff of their designs. They were all absolutely pawesome! I was so exhausted from all the fun, I fell straight to sleep in my cosy corner in the school Nurture Room.

Because of Dragons den I didn't get to follow my usual timetable this week but I look forward to getting back on track with all my little buddies again at next week's  "Furry Friday ".

I hope you like the photographs my hooman Mrs Drake took of the marvellous presenters !

Love from Albert xxx


Woof woof!

Hello everyone! Wow my second week at school was so exciting I had the best time ever! My hooman Mrs Drake brought my brush to school and some of the children were kind enough to give me a mini groom! I am so smart now that I think even King Charles would be impressed!

My favourite part of today's visit was when two different children who were a little bit worried and unsure of dogs managed to pet me and give me a super stroke! I can understand why some hooman children are a little scared of dogs so I never mind if they don't want to play with me, but seeing them be so brave really made my day! I made sure I was extra gentle around them.

I also heard lots of readers today and I was almost knocked off my paws by how good they were! One little boy in Year 1/2 also sang me a "sleepy song", which he made up on the spot so I snuggled down in my donut bed and had a snooze.

I can't wait to come back next week!

Love, Albert xx

Week 2 Gallery


Woof woof!!

What an exciting day! Today I had my first Friday (or "Furry Friday" as I like to call it) as the Ysgol Deiniol School Dog!

I was so happy to meet all the children coming into school this morning. You could tell because I was really wagging my tail! I spent some time having nice strokes from the Early Years children and also got to go into Assembly to say hello to everyone. Assembly was about the coronation of king Charles which made me happy as I am a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel! This must mean I am Royal too I think.

I then had some wonderful stories read to me by some children from different classes- I loved it so much I had a little snooze in my donut bed!! It was very relaxing.

At playtime I went on the yard to see all the children having fun. They were absolutely brilliant with me and really respected my space and remembered what they had learned in our "Dog Smart" Assembly earlier in the week. Some children enjoyed stroking me and some held my lead and gave me a little walk. I got my head stuck under a fence at one point as I was being too nosy but apart from that everything was pawesome!!

I can't wait to come back and visit again next week

Love from Albert xxx

Furry Friday Gallery
