What is it?
The Welsh language plays an important part in Ysgol Deiniol school life. We encourage, inspire and give many opportunities for children to use the Welsh language and understand it’s importance. This ethos will engage pupils to be culturally active throughout their life.
The ‘Cymraeg Campus’ Language Charter is a framework which will help us to promote and increase the use of Welsh across the whole school. It also helps us to promote a strong Welsh ethos within our School.
As a school, we are working hard to achieve the 'Gwobr Efyd, Bronze Award, Cymraeg Campus Siarter Iaith (Bronze Award, Welsh charter) which is an award system to promote the use of welsh language and schools welsh ethos.
Criw Cymraeg
The 10 Targets
Welsh at Home
How about using some Welsh phrases at home?
Bore da Good Morning
Nos da Good Night
Caru ti Love you
Da iawn ti Well done you!
Amser bath Bath time
Amser gwely Bedtime
Amser cinio Dinner time
Amser swper Supper time
Amser brecwast Breakfast time
Amser ysgol School time