Cinderella Rockerfella 2023
Croeso i Dosbarth Yr Wyddfa
Autumn Term - 2023
This is your last year at Ysgol Deiniol!
Let's make it an enjoyable and memorable one!
Thema - Crime and Punishment
This term our topic is entitled ‘Crime and Punishment’. As part of this topic, we will be looking at the history of crime and punishment through the ages. We have started our term off with pupils being given the opportunity to voice their ideas and suggest activities that they would enjoy, in order to develop key skills within the six Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLEs). I am thoroughly looking forward to putting their ideas into action!
In Literacy we have started reading the fantastic book 'Holes’ by Louis Sachar. We will be writing letters, diary accounts, biographies and recounts of events.
Children must have their reading book in school everyday.
Please encourage your child to read as often as possible outside of school and sign their reading records. Talk about the book your child is reading, comprehension of what they have read is so important.
We begin every afternoon with 10 minutes reading. Children will be reading in school everyday in Literacy lessons and within whole-class guided reading sessions.
In our whole class reading sessions children are developing their fluency with Echo Reading to increase their speed. Children will also be developing their comprehension skills reading a variety of texts. They have access to various sites to improve their reading and comprehension. These include First News ihub and ReadTheory.
On a Friday children have an opportunity to work independently on their reading journal which the children are enjoying immensely.
Every week we read the children's newspaper 'First News' which we all look forward to This helps to develop our reading skills and also helps us to keep up with what's in the news in the UK and the wider world.
Spelling / Handwriting
We use RWI for our spellings which we work on on a Monday morning as well as handwriting.
We also use Wordshark to practise our spellings
To help your child in Maths children must learn their multiplication tables regularly.
Times Table Rockstars is a great website to help your child learn their tables
Children need their PE kits on a Monday and a Wednesday
Children can come to school in their PE kit which is: red school hoody / jumper white T-shirt, white shorts, dark rjoging bottoms, white socks.
Please can children have hair tied back and jewellery removed.
Healthy Snack
We are a healthy school and ask that all children bring a healthy snack for their morning break.
I look forward to working with you and your children this year,
Mrs Arrowsmith
Shrewsbury Prison Visit - September 2023
Dosbarth Yr Wyddfa had a fantastic trip to Shrewsbury Prison. They loved seeing the cells!