We have a new active and dedicated team of Happiness Heroes this year ! Two members per class were voted in democratically at the start of the school year. We thought about our qualities and created a charter about our roles to share with our classes, and we feedback after our meetings. We wear our new Happiness Hero arm bands with pride which makes us visible at breaktimes, if anyone needs help or a chat. Pupils who are Happiness Heroes, report that they are ‘used’ regularly - for example ‘I saw someone fall over and I helped them get up and got them cleaned up’, ‘someone told me someone was crying so I helped them calm down’, ‘I sorted out a problem’, ‘I helped sort out an argument with three girls on the yard’. Our Happiness Heroes really help at breaktimes, improving pupil well-being - thank you and well done!
We still need two Happiness Heroes bench signs for our school yard – we will be decorating snap bands to sell to raise money for this this term!