Welcome to Dosbarth Celyn
Class Information
Welcome to our class page. The teachers in Dosbarth Celyn are Miss Beynon and Mrs Dodwell and Mrs. Morgan and Mrs Braisdell are the class Teaching Assistants.
What I need to bring to school?
On Tuesday and Thursday we have PE, children can come to school in their PE kit (white t-shirt, white or black shorts, white socks and trainers, hoodies), in the colder months children can wear jogging bottoms/ tracksuit bottoms.
Reading Folders will be sent out on a Thursday and can be brought back to school between Monday and Wednesday the following week.
Autumn Term 2023
Our class topic is based on the book 'Here We Are' which looks at our place in the world. We are looking at our country, the continents in the world and famous landmarks, such as The Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Pyramids and the Eiffel Tower. We are making models, powerpoints and creating posters to celebrate diversity in our world. We are looking at the materials our Earth gives us and if they are natural or manmade. We are looking at their properties and testing them, for eg absorbancy.
On-going Numeracy work this term includes number facts - bonds, doubling and halving; addition; barcharts, weight and scales, shape - 2D and 2D. Please use Topmarks Hit the Button to practice these skills regularly.
On-going Literacy work this term includes looking at sentence structure and the parts of a sentence including nouns, verbs, adjectives. We are investigating question words and how we can write using facts eg. in leaflets, and how we can write descriptively eg. using adjectives. Spelling follows our RWI scheme and regular practice of keywords, often backed up by home spellings to learn.
Please do contact us at any time on Seesaw should it be necessary.
Many thanks,
Miss Beynon and Mrs Dodwell
How do you teach reading in school?
Children are firstly taught initial phonic sounds followed by letter blends (for example, sh, oo and ee). They are taught the skill of sounding out to help with their reading and spelling. Children are also taught to recognise high frequency words quickly. Please see the links below for more information about Read Write Inc, which is the phonics scheme we follow in school.
Read Write Inc - A Parents Guide
How can I help my child with their reading?
Children really benefit from regular reading, reading little and often can really help foster a love of reading. Also, modelling a positive attitude to reading and show children you are a reader yourself can have a huge impact. Reading also doesn't have to be with a book, there are many other activities that can help develop reading skills - for example, following a recipe or following a set of instructions.
What are the arrangements for snack and drinks?
Children in Dosbarth Celyn are given fruit at break time, snack money can be paid via parentpay. Children can bring in a drinks bottle and are allowed water or cordial, but no fizzy drinks or energy drinks.
How can I find out what my child is doing in school?
We will often send pictures and work over to you on seesaw and will also upload some pictures to our school twitter account (@ysgoldeiniol).