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Dosbarth Tegid Mawr - Reception

Welcome to Reception

Class Teachers - Mrs Morris and Miss Prescott. 

Support Staff - Mrs Griffths and Mrs Scott. 



Autumn Term

Our topic this term is 'Winter Wonders’ based on the storybook ‘Lost and Found’ by Author, Oliver Jeffers.

A box arrived at school, inside was a penguin! Our first job was to learn how to look after the Penguin until we could find somewhere safe for it to return. We have investigated a location suitable for the Penguin to return to before finally sending the Penguin back to his forever home.

We made Antarctica in our investigation stations outdoors and indoors. We researched and explored how to make ‘snow’. We completed an ice melting experiment with different materials, we predicted, monitored and evaluated what happened.    



Our focus text is ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers, We will be learning how to describe and writing a lost poster. Children will create a class fact file for 6Arctic animals. In the independent writing area children will write a set of instructions ‘how to look after a penguin’, using a writing model to help.

We will be focusing on the Read, Write, Inc. phonics.  We will be continuing to learn all individual sounds and practise blending them together to read. Alongside this, we practice forming our letters correctly and beginning to spell simple cvc and ccvc words.  We are moving on to digraphs, special friends,  from set 1 sounds and set 2 sounds. During our news time and throughout the day we will continue to build on speaking in complete sentences and beginning to write a sentence. Will also continue to strengthen our finger muscles for writing through ‘Funky Finger Gym’ activities, dough disco and squiggle while you wiggle.


Mathematical Development 

Our role play area is and Arctic circle ‘Santa’s Post Office’. The children will measure, weigh, pay for packages, make totals and find change using the till.  We follow Whiterose Maths which focuses on helping students to acquire a deep and long-term understanding of maths they can use in different real-life situations. Alongside Whiterose Maths we will use lots of exploration, problem solving and songs and rhymes. We will continue to build on our subitising skills, counting, reading and writing numbers. We will focus on numbers up to 5 finding out:

  • 1 more/1 less,
  • different ways of making the numbers - number bonds
  • ordering 
  • composition 
  • representing
  • matching
  • comparing
  • building


Things I Need In Reception 

My P.E. kit -  white shorts, white t–shirt, black pumps or trainers and dark plain tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Please wear PE kits to school on Thursday

My Coat  - We go outside to play and learn even if it is raining.

My Schoolbag - This will be used to carry homework, letters and reading books to and from school.


We are starting 'Forest School Fridays' again in February and children will need wellies, warm clothes that are ok to get mucky, waterproofs, if they have any, and a hat and gloves if its cold.  


Labels - Please put your name on everything! 


Snack Money is currently £1.50 a week which is paid half-termly on ParentPay.


Please ensure your child is here by 8.50 am. If they are ill, please notify the school as soon as possible on 01978 353760 or email -




