Welcome to the Friends of Deiniol section of our website. Please scroll through for more details on what we do, how you can be involved and the fundraising projects and events we normally organise.
(logo designed by Year 1 pupil in 2018)
Latest News and Information
Are you feeling lucky? Do buy some lottery tickets with our new weekly school lottery. See below for details. Fingers crossed!
Fundraising events and activities
Events and activities 2022/2023
Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising events. We were able to raise lots of money for school and contribute to a number of projects. It was great to see the return of our big events such as the Easter Bingo and Summer Fair.
Events and activities 2023/2024
Thank you to everyone again for all the support over the last term. We have been able to raise lots of money and organise various fun events and activities, including the Easter bingo, non-uniform days, the 2024 challenge, tuck shops, more bulb planting, tea and coffee stalls and the new uniform exchange. We look forward to 2024/2025. Check back soon for more information.
Usual events and fundraising projects organised by Friends of Deiniol
Over the years we have been able to raise funds at bingo evenings, Summer Fairs, tuck shops, film nights, raffles, tea and coffee stalls, discos, fashion night, family quiz night, non-uniform days, Christmas cards, school tea towel, school calendar, fabricks lego keyring and cookbook.
Other ways we raise funds
In addition to running events and fundraising activities, we raise funds through the easyfundraising website and app, collect unwanted clothes through the Dragon Bags clothes recycling scheme and now we have our own school lottery!
How you can help
Dragon Bags clothes recycling scheme
If you have any clothes; children’s and adults’, that you no longer need, you can drop them off at the school office. Clothes are collected in a box, which is taken away by the company when full. It is weighed and we receive a donation.
See below for the website address
Easy fundraising
You can help raise funds at no extra cost. When you shop via the easyfundraising website or app, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Amazon and many more, you will raise FREE donations for the school. If you are not already registered, please visit our easyfundraising page using the link below.
School Lottery
This lottery has been set up specifically to raise money and make a difference for our children!
It's a fantastic way to bring Parents, Carers, Teachers and the wider community together, in partnership with our school, and at the same time give something back. We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children - we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extracurricular activities such as music, art and sport.
Tickets are just £1
For every ticket you play, 74.2% goes to our school and prizes
Match all 6 numbers and you win the jackpot of £25,000
Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!
To buy tickets, click on the following link:
Support Ysgol Deiniol CP when you play Your School Lottery - Your School Lottery
Getting involved
We are always looking for new people to help with the work of the Friends of Deiniol. You can join the committee at any time or take on one of the main roles (Chair / Co-ordinator, Secretary, Treasurer) when these positions are voted on at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each September. If you have less time to spare, you could give your time and expertise in other ways:
There are so many ways to get involved.
Any events we have are run voluntarily and we couldn't put them on without help. It is a fantastic way to become more involved in your child's school and meet new people. We are all busy and any help you are able to give is very much as you can, when you can. Anyone interested in helping out is welcome to chat to any of the committee members (catch one of us by the school gate!), drop in at the school office or send an email to friendsofdeiniol@gmail.com
Committee Meetings
Committee meetings are usually held twice a term. We normally have a mix of meetings taking place after school and in the evening.
All are very welcome.
Next meeting
Previous meeting minutes and information
The current committee are:
Chair / Co-ordinator: Helen Smith-Jones / Rhian Morris
Secretary: Laurel Smith
Treasurer: Vanessa O'Keefe
Vicky Woodhouse
Anna Briscoe
Tasha Mcgreachan
Alice Woodfine
Rebecca White
Charlotte Hughes
Jodie Owen
Mr K. Baugh (Head Teacher)
Mr S. Perry (Deputy Head)
Mrs C. Arrowsmith (Year 5/6 Teacher)
If you'd like to get more involved with the Friends of Deiniol or have an enquiry or ideas for fundraising, please fill in the form below. Thank you.
Email us on friendsofdeiniol@gmail.com
Phone school on main number (see main contact page)
Message us on Facebook (search for Friends of Deiniol)
Chat to one of the committee members or Mr Baugh
Call in at main school office
A little bit about the Friends of Deiniol
It was in September 2018 when the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) changed its name to 'Friends of Deiniol' (FoD). We felt that this rebranding would encourage lots of new people to get involved with raising much needed funds for our school.
We are constantly on the lookout for new helpers and hope to include as many people from our school community as possible: mums, dads, grandparents, older siblings…..anybody who has an interest in raising funds and supporting Ysgol Deiniol.
Over the years we have raised lots of money for school as well as helping out with yard painting, flower bulb planting, creating willow domes and making a bottle top mosaic. Going forward, any assistance you can give, no matter how small, would be most welcome, so we can do more of the same in future years.
Our informal committee meetings are held once or twice a term and attendance is not compulsory. If you have any free time to spare, drop us an email at school, phone us up or even have a chat with Mr Baugh on the yard, in the morning, to find out what it’s all about.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Projects funded by Friends of Deiniol
- Wooden pirate ship for the Foundation Phase yard
- Educational resources
- Books
- Theatre workshop
- Author visit and workshop
- First News subscription
- Storage units
- Laptops
- Paint and spring flower bulbs for the Yard Improvement Project
- Three willow domes for the yard and field
- Pebbles and materials for the Pebble Path Project
- Donations towards buses for school trips
- Recycled bottle top mosaic
- Year 6 leavers parties
- Sports Equipment
- Choir bus for Young Voices concerts
- Raised planters for the Year 2 outside area
- Junior Yard climbing wall
- Subscription for Times Table Rockstars
- Virtual reality workshop for Junior classes
- Storage shed for play equipment
- Graffiti artist workshop and new artwork on the container
- New games, daily mile and netball court markings on the yard
All the above are the extras which cannot be funded by school. Every penny we raise goes towards helping our children.
Latest news from Friends of Deiniol
Willow domes and the yard
We now have three willow domes in the playground and on the field. These continue to bulk out and provide welcome shady spaces during warmer months. The latest (and largest) dome can also be used as a small outdoor learning space. This dome was partly funded with money raised by parents and carers through the easyfundraising website. A group of parents try to give the domes regular 'haircuts' and keep them in check.
Please check back here for any more news as it happens.
How the school yards have been improved
Update to bottle top mosaic
After having had our recycled bottle top mosaic for 5 years, sadly lots of the bottle tops had fallen off, so we took the decision to take it down and now.....
we have a brilliant graffiti artwork in it's place. Thank you to the artist and the pupils who helped create it. What a colourful addition to our yard.